A Launchpad to Trusted Sources

Works with countries around the world to shape energy policies for a secure and sustainable future.

An international think tank with a mission to accelerate the deployment of CCS technologies to tackle climate change.

Supports new global CCS projects with business development, operations and technological improvements to advance the deployment of facilities around the world in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Provides the infrastructure to support the ability for regulated facilities to be compliant with the Regulation through the transparent display of Alberta-based emission offsets and Emission Performance Credits.

Solves some of the biggest industry challenges by supporting research, the growth of business, and helping the start-up community build new technology and drive new ideas.

Takes action on climate change and supports economic growth by investing in the pilot, demonstration and deployment of clean technology solutions that reduce GHGs, lower costs, attract investment, and create jobs in Alberta.

A unique facility built to demonstrate CO2 capture and conversion technologies, users test and advance carbon capture and conversion technologies that assist in GHG emission reductions, by enabling the conversion of CO2 into commercially viable, value-added products.

Imagine what is possible when we work together.


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